Through Rohs Opera House
133 East Pike Street, Cynthiana KY. 41031
From unforgettable sights to undiscovered corners, there’s just so much to see and explore. Choose from one of these guided group tours offered by Rohs Opera House to experience Cynthiana like you never have before. Group tours not your thing? Stop by the Chamber of Commerce and grab a brochure to take a self guided tour of the Murals, Historical Churches or Civil War.

Beyond the Bricks
You don't want to miss this immersive storytelling experience with Cynthiana's first mayor, Samuel January. You will travel through time in a 90 minute guided walking tour of downtown, from the founding of Cynthiana through prohibition.
VIP packages include: tour ticket, one glass of a signature local craft beer from Maiden City Brewing and a small cheese plate created by the Cynthiana Cheese Store.

Self Guided Tours
There are over Thirty murals in Cynthiana and counting! Several more will be completed this fall. Take your own tour of the town with the Muraled City Tour.
Are you a Walking Dead Fan? Take the self guided Walking Dead tour that will take you to the original locations from the comic series!
Cynthiana is home to many historical churches. Take the self guided historical church tour and submerse yourself in Cynthiana history.
Brochures can currently be located outside the Chamber of Commerce office at 141 East Pike Street and the Cynthiana Courthouse, 111 South Main Street.